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School Development Plan

1. Quality of Teaching

1.1 Ensure the quality of teaching is consistently good through collaborative planning and the consistent application of the Teaching and Learning Policy


Ensure the quality of teaching is consistently good through collaborative planning and the consistent application of Teaching and Learning Policy

Actions How will this be achieved?

  • SLT to deliver CPD modelling planning grids and expectations
  • Organise PPA time to facilitate collaborative working
  • SLT to support joint planning
  • Deliver CPD introduce new T and L Policy


SLT to monitor planning

SC to monitor joint planning

SLT to monitor implementation of T and L Policy

Who is responsible?




Governors AR

When is it to be achieved?

From Sept 2022

joint planning A1

Ongoing this year- evaluate termly

What is the cost?

Staff Training Day Time

PPA Time

Management time




1.2 Ensure assessment for learning is used systematically to monitor understanding, identify misconceptions and provide clear and direct feedback, in order to ensure we, respond and adapt teaching to meet the children’s needs


Ensure assessment for learning practices are used systematically to monitor understanding, identify misconceptions and provide clear and direct feedback, in order to ensure staff, respond and adapt their teaching to meet the children’s needs.


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • RW to deliver CPD on AfL and new T and L Policy
  • Planning reflects a renewed focus on AfL
  • Staff meetings focus on AfL and good practice
  • Teachers identify an aspect of AfL to research and develop in their classes as part of PM in 2022-23


SLT monitor planning

Learning Walks monitor AfL

Book Look monitoring

PM self-assessment and reviews with RW


Who is responsible?




Governors AR


When is it to be achieved?

From Sept 2022

Staff Meeting A1/2

Ongoing this year-evaluate termly


What is the cost?

Staff Meeting

CPD time

PM Reviews

Management time





1.3 To ensure teaching meets the needs of all children, particularly those with SEN through the effective deployment of LSAs, rigorous implementation of My Learning Plans and SMART targets.


To ensure teaching meets the needs of all children, particularly those with SEN through the effective deployment of LSAs, rigorous implementation of My Learning Plans and SMART targets.


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • Review My Learning Plan booklets for SEN children and introduce new format
  • Set SMART Targets and communicate them and timescales with all relevant people
  • Regularly review My Learning Plans and involve parents
  • Direct and meet with LSAs/Teachers to review all plans termly


Learning Walk

Monitor My Learning Plans

Parent Feedback

Pupil Voice

Minutes from SEN review


Who is responsible?





Governors KH

From Sept 2022

My Learning Plans in place by half term

Ongoing parent meetings and reviews


What is the cost?

SEN Services


Staff Meeting/

CPD Time




1.4 To improve the quality of phonics teaching to close the learning gap between the school and national through the modelling of high quality RWInc principles


To improve the quality of phonics teaching to close the learning gap between the school and national through the modelling of high quality RWInc principles


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • Ensure RWInc lead is well trained and understands principles-Oct
  • Parent workshop- How we teach RWInc and how can you support?
  • Put in place effective CPD for ALL staff teaching RWInc
  • Monitor the quality of teaching and learning- Development Day- Nov


Learning walk feedback

Notes and feedback from parents

Evolutions of groups


Notes from development day


Who is responsible?


RWInc Teachers and LSAs



Governors KH


When is it to be achieved?

Staff training and parent workshop before half term.

Development Day and monitoring in before Christmas


What is the cost?

PD Time

RWInc Dev


Development Day £600

Staff Training


Resources £500

Online Subscription £220




1.5 To improve the progress children make in writing to close the gap between the school and national at expected and greater depth by developing effective AfL systems


To improve the progress children make in writing to close the gap between the school and national at expected and greater depth by developing effective AfL systems.


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • CPD for staff in how to teach the revising and editing components of writing process
  • Introduce whole class feedback sheet as effective tool for AfL and to support teachers to tailor teaching of writing to meet the needs of their class
  • Monitor use of feedback sheet in classes, identify how teachers use them to inform planning and improve writing
  • Share demonstration of daily sentence practise and offer drop-in coaching sessions to support teachers to ensure the delivery is consistently good
  • Termly moderation of writing within school
  • Moderation of writing within Network-end of KS
  • Teachers to assess writing termly, identify children with potential to reach GLD- use  school developed criteria to challenge HA




Learning Walks

Book monitoring

Planning for writing

Notes from moderation

Portfolios of moderation in school for year groups reference


Who is responsible?



Governors KH


When is it to be achieved?

Training – 5th September

Monitoring of feedback sheets by half term

Moderation before Christmas and potential GLD writers identified and pupil progress meeting to support them in achieving this by end of year.


What is the cost?

Training day time

Staff Meetings- moderating writing

Management time for

Subject Leaders x2





1.6 For our learners become confident mathematicians who use mathematical knowledge, concepts and procedures appropriate to their next step needs with planned opportunities to reason and apply.


For our learners become confident mathematicians who use mathematical knowledge, concepts and procedures appropriate to their next step needs with planned opportunities to reason and apply.


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • Staff have a consistent understanding and a definition of Mastery, for teaching learning and assessment
  • Staff to plan lessons using Big 5 ideas and consider the small steps needed to keep all children learning together
  • Ensure staff use and expect children to say stem sentences that draw attention to the mathematical structure
  • Teachers use Ready to Progress Criteria assessment questions to allow for consistent judgements between classes
  • Ensure staff refer to the NCETM PD materials to deepen their understanding of the 3 key mathematical strands; addition and subtraction, multiplication division and Fractions
  • Ensure staff understand key mathematical themes identified in guidance and development progression. For example,utilising, place value and inverse operations 




Learning Walks

Book monitoring

Planning for writing

Notes from moderation

Portfolios of moderation in school for year groups reference

Notes from working with other colleagues

Staff Meeting and planning notes

Learning Walks


Data from Headstart end of term assessments

Data from KS1/2 SATs and MTC


Who is responsible?




Governors AR


When is it to be achieved?

Staff training provided using rekenrek in A1

Begin meeting with Hub lead identify areas for development-Action Plan A1

Monitor and support planning A1

Data end A2


Cover time needed for mathematics lead


(£1000 grant to school in instalments)

Resources- rekenrek £395

CPD time




2. Behaviour and Attitudes

2.1 Our learners’ attitudes to their education are positive. They’re committed to their learning, know how to study effectively and are resilient to setbacks. They take pride in their achievements


Our learners’ attitudes to their education are positive. They’re committed to their learning, know how to study effectively and are resilient to setbacks. They take pride in their achievements

Actions How will this be achieved?

  • Through the teaching of SMSC learners are able to reflect their own beliefs whilst having respect for others?
  • Through Votes for Schools and HT assembly’s children develop toleration and resilience


School council

Eco warrior

Peer leadership responsibilities

How they present themselves in lessons and presentation in books.

Who is responsible?




Governors AR

When is it to be achieved?

From Sept 2022

joint planning A1

Ongoing this year- evaluate termly

What is the cost?

Staff Training Day Time

PPA Time

Management time




2.2 Provide relevant support and professional development opportunities to all members of staff, so they understand the needs of SEN children and manage behaviour effectively.


Provide relevant support and professional development opportunities to all members of staff, so they understand the needs of SEN children and manage behaviour effectively.


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • SENCo will identify which staff need training to support the individual needs in their class through learning walk
  • Identify how support can be provided using expertise internal expertise or external agencies
  • Monitor the behaviour of SEN children through termly behaviour report identifying where to put support


Learning Walks

Behaviour Reports

Pupil voice

Teacher discussion


Who is responsible?


All teachers and LSAs

Governor SF


When is it to be achieved?

Staff needs and provide transition support in Autumn term

Monitor behaviour of SEN children at end of term


What is the cost?

External agencies used to support Counselling


SENCo time




2.3 Consistently apply the Positive Behaviour Policy, including the deployment of Emotion Coaching, ‘structured conversations’ with parents to support behaviour management


Consistently apply the Positive Behaviour Policy, including the deployment of Emotion Coaching, ‘structured conversations’ with parents to support behaviour management


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • Ensure Positive Behaviour Policy is being consistently applied, especially new members of staff
  • Ensure Leuven scale is being deployed effectively to identify children needing additional support with wellbeing
  • Identify a six-week intervention/parent consultation to support and improve.
  • Evaluate the impact this has had and report back to relevant people.


Learning Walks Staff interactions/ observations

Behaviour Report-Half Termly


Who is responsible?




All Teachers and LSAs

Governor SF

When is it to be achieved?

A1 teachers complete Leuven Scale-identify support needed.

A2 interventions put in place

S1 evaluate impact of interventions-identify next cohort for support


What is the cost?

Training for Forest School


Time for cover for Forest school practitioner


Nurture Support


External agency

Outdoor Education training JJ




3. Personal Development

3.1 To enhance pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development so they; understand the possibilities available, the importance of reading and vocabulary, the importance of mental/physical health and cultural diversity.


To enhance pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural (SMSC) development so they; understand the possibilities available, the importance of reading and vocabulary, the importance of mental/physical health and cultural diversity.


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • Put in place the ‘Everyone DOES’ program of educational experiences to deliver the stated aims
  • All teachers will identify opportunities within the school year where they can take children out or bring people and seek out opportunities within the community, utilising the environment and local people
  • Learners are exposed to issues and experiences involving the local community and wider world
  • Learners are given leadership roles within the school to exercise pupil voice and deliver meaningful change
  • The planning and delivery of PSHE is age appropriate and layered to ensure that all learners have the chance to discuss, learn and reflect on their various roles and relationships within their own personal, local and national agendas
  • Through the teaching of SMSC learners are able to reflect their own beliefs whilst having respect for others?


Monitor long-term planning

Discussions with staff

Pupil and parent voice

Learning walks

Who is responsible?




All Techers

Governor SF


When is it to be achieved?

‘Everyone DOES’ programme in place communicated to parents by Christmas

G and T quiz will take place in Spring Term


What is the cost?

G and T Books


Visits out

Planning Time

DM £6500




3.2 To develop the breadth of our curriculum by extending; our careers programme, provision for Forest School and evaluate the impact of Votes for Schools


To develop the breadth of our curriculum by extending; our careers programme, provision for Forest School and evaluate the impact of Votes for Schools


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • Teachers and LSAs will look to invite people into school who can demonstrate how their learning has led to a career
  • Learners are actively involved in learning through planned higher order skill focus, questioning, debate
  • Aspirations are raised through exposure to different careers and opportunities
  • Learners will be asked to interview inspirational people who can open their eyes to what is available for them
  • The area next to Nursery will be developed as a Forest School for our children and others in the community. We will look to get other members of staff Forest School trained
  • We will look for opportunities to work with Tiverton Special School
  • We will continue to utilise KS assemblies on Wednesdays for Votes for Schools


Junior Leadership Team Meeting Minutes

Pupil voice

Questionnaires and survey with parents


Who is responsible?





All teachers and LSAs

Governor SF


When is it to be achieved?

Teachers will plan for guests and visits. We will meet with Tiverton and the community in A2

We will look to get staff trained in S1

Pupil voice will be collected in in A2


What is the cost?

Forest School Training


Development of land-grant funded

Votes for Schools £525




4. Leadership and Management

4.1 Our staff consistently report high levels of support for wellbeing issues.


Our staff consistently report high levels of support for wellbeing issues.


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • Offer pastoral support to all staff in the form of supervision
  • 360HR to provide time management Training for all staff
  • Develop a Staff Supervision policy


Measure the qualitative impact on staff performance and retention

Promoting Health at work appointments

OH Referrals

Who is responsible?




Governor NM


When is it to be achieved?



What is the cost?




Welbeing and OH



All members of staff feel secure within the school setting to discuss issues that support the improvement of quality of work to achieve agreed outcomes

4.2 Leaders have a clear ambitious vision for providing high-quality education for all learners


Leaders have a clear ambitious vision for providing high-quality education for all learners


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • CPD programme has enabled teachers to develop their knowledge and understanding of the curriculum, teaching and learning.


Lesson observations show impact of CPD in raising standards


Who is responsible?

RW and subject leads

Governor NM


When is it to be achieved?



What is the cost?

External consultants

courses to enhance pedagogy

Delios- PL






What impact has this had on school improvement with reference to performance management

4.3 Leaders ensure that throughout the school community there are strong, shared values policies and practice.


Leaders ensure that throughout the school community there are strong, shared values policies and practice.


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • Involve all stakeholders in school improvement.
  • Work with members of the local community (professionals, local schools, local services) to support school improvement
  • Work collaboratively with governors to implement school improvement plans.


Monitor impact of school initiatives on school improvement.


Who is responsible?



Governor NM


When is it to be achieved?

Throughout the year


What is the cost?

Cost of work week

Govs training £3500



School surveys undertaken through the year with parents and learners to ensure that improvements are constantly being made: impact this has on school improvement planning

4.4 Ensure induction for all new members of staff is effective to ensure consistency of practice


Ensure induction for all new members of staff is effective to ensure consistency of practice


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • New staff to meet with.
  1. DSL to discuss Safeguarding procedures- L1 Training
  2. RW to discuss T and L Policy
  3. SC to discuss Behaviour Management
  4. MT to discuss Hand S and procedures
  • Email policies to new staff and explain PM process
  • Discuss subject leadership expectations and responsibilities
  • Put in place an induction Policy for new staff


PM Reviews and documentation

Learning Walks

Book trawls

Planning monitoring


Who is responsible?





Governor NM


When is it to be achieved?

By half term PM process will be in place

By Christmas 2022 new staff should be following policies

In Spring look at subject Leadership


What is the cost?


PPA Time

Management time




4.5 Ensure subject leaders become experts in their areas by having a clear vision for their subject and support teachers develop subject and pedagogical knowledge by auditing/ monitoring and providing professional development to improve learning


Ensure subject leaders become experts in their areas by having a clear vision for their subject and support teachers develop subject and pedagogical knowledge by auditing/ monitoring and providing professional development to improve learning


Actions How will this be achieved?

  • Meet with subject leaders to discuss individual subject development
  • Provide management time to monitor learning
  • Evaluate KOs and Curriculum Plan are relevant, sequential and retrieval practice is applied
  • Complete subject audits and identify areas for development
  • Provide staff training and monitor the impact on learning
  • Support strategy and subject leader’s action plans
  • Meet with EYFS lead to discuss how learning progresses from Reception into KS1


    Monitor planning for foundation subjects

    Learning Walks and classroom/corridor displays

    Curriculum Maps and intent statement

    Action Plans


    Who is responsible?


    Subject Leaders

    Governor NM


    When is it to be achieved?

    Subject Leaders staff meeting in A1

    Meet with subject leaders individually during A1/2

    Subject audits/ Action Plans

    completed in S1/2

    Training provided for staff and impact assessed in S1


    What is the cost?

    Staff meeting time needed

    Resources purchased in some subjects



    Leaders Training £1000




    5. Quality of Education in EYFS

    5.1 Establish effective leadership to establish a clear vision/values and manage the development of EYFS so expectations are clear and the curriculum meets the needs of the children in Nursery and Reception.


    Establish effective leadership to establish a clear vision/values and manage the development of EYFS so expectations are clear and the curriculum meets the needs of the children in Nursery and Reception.


    Actions How will this be achieved?

    • Identify what our children need to be better at on entry and organise the curriculum to facilitate this.
    • Communicate our priorities to all members of the school community and put on school website
    • Meet weekly to discuss and share vision/values


    Reception Baseline Evaluation

    Meeting Minutes

    EYFS documentation


    Who is responsible?



    All EYFS


    Governor JW


    When is it to be achieved?

    To be achieved in A1 and embedded in A2


    What is the cost?

    Staff Meetings.  Management time for SB


    Governor Meetings A1




    5.2 Construct a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give children, particularly the most disadvantaged, the knowledge, self-belief and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Ensuring the curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced and builds on what children know and can do, towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for their future learning.


    Construct a curriculum that is ambitious and designed to give children, particularly the most disadvantaged, the knowledge, self-belief and cultural capital they need to succeed in life. Ensuring the curriculum is coherently planned and sequenced and builds on what children know and can do, towards cumulatively sufficient knowledge and skills for their future learning.


    Actions How will this be achieved?

    • Discuss curriculum with JH- external consultant to ensure curriculum is well planned and children gain cultural capital
    • Meet weekly initially to discuss and adapt planning
    • Meet regularly with SENCo to discuss children causing concern and how their needs can be met
    • Following RBA put in place interventions to support disadvantaged children
    • Look for opportunities for child-initiated learning to develop knowledge and self-belief



    Curriculum Intent, implementation, and impact statements

    Short- and long-term planning grids


    Who is responsible?



    JH External Con

    All EYFS staff

    Governor JW


    When is it to be achieved?

    Curriculum to be in place by Christmas. Implementation Sp1/2

    Impact Su1/2


    What is the cost?

    External Consultant support £1600






    5.3 Communicate effectively to check children’s understanding, identify misconceptions, and provide clear explanations to improve their learning. In so doing, we respond and adapt teaching as necessary.


    Communicate effectively to check children’s understanding, identify misconceptions, and provide clear explanations to improve their learning. In so doing, we respond and adapt teaching as necessary.


    Actions How will this be achieved?

    • Regularly assess children’s progress towards meeting the EYFS goals by meeting weekly.
    • Adapt planning when assessment shows it is necessary to meet need
    • Record assessments using and involve parents in the process
    • When children fall behind put in place effective interventions, so they catch up.
    • Adults will be trained to facilitate learning-sustained shared thinking and look for opportunities to assess progress.
    • Communicate progress regularly with parents and carers to develop relationships and support learning


    EYFS lead report to Govs

    Learning Walks in EYFS

    Planning adapted when needed

    Assessment documents

    Reports to parents

    Parent voice



    Who is responsible?



    All EYFS staff

    Governor JW


    When is it to be achieved?

    To be instigated from day 1 in Nursery and Reception

    Embed AfL by Christmas


    What is the cost?


    Management time





    5.4 Create an environment inside and outside that supports the intent of an ambitious, coherently planned and sequenced curriculum and resources are chosen to meet the children’s needs and promote learning.


    Create an environment inside and outside that supports the intent of an ambitious, coherently planned and sequenced curriculum and resources are chosen to meet the children’s needs and promote learning.


    Actions How will this be achieved?

    • We will use the Acers tool to identify if our learning environment is effective
    • Resources will be purchased to enhance learning in different areas
    • Provide opportunities for child initiated through conversations with children and parents
    • Adults will be trained to facilitate learning and look for opportunities to assess progress


    Learning Walks

    Teacher discussions

    Acers documentation

    Long term and short-term planning


    Who is responsible?




    All EYFS staff

    Governor JW


    When is it to be achieved?

    The environment will be set up and more effective A1. This will then be adapted by A2

    Staff trained to facilitate learning by Christmas.


    What is the cost?

    Resources and furniture for EYFS £5000




    School Context

    • Whitley Abbey Primary School was graded Good by OFSTED in July 2017
    • Attendance is at 93.1 (91.4 National) and is slowly improving however we are still seeing several absences linked to COVID 19.
    • The school has capacity for 420 pupils from R to Year 6, currently there are 364 pupils on roll. We have a 24-place nursery offering morning and afternoon places. On average there are 47 children in each year group.
    • As a result of the 2020 pandemic the school saw a decline in pupil numbers due to multiple factors. During the last 12 months, the school has admitted over 60 children. A high proportion of these children are vulnerable children (pupil premium, SEND, safeguarding, low attaining).
    • The school serves a diverse community representing 12 ethnic groups and 29 languages, with the proportion of pupils, 28%, speaking English as an Additional Language which is in the top 20% of schools nationally.
    • The number of pupils who are disadvantaged (28%) is above national (2020 – 23%) with 20% of pupils are in receipt of free school meals.
    • The school has significant mobility in the pupil population with 29% of current pupils in school not having started their journey at Whitley Abbey Primary School
    • Since the last inspection the school has increased proportion of pupils with Special, Educational Needs (School = 17%, National 2022 12.2%).
    • The school started a review of its curriculum during the summer term of 2021. As a result, the school has developed, evaluated and reviewed the curriculum intent which identifies four drivers.
    1.   Possibilities and Citizenship
    2.   Reading and Vocabulary
    3.   Health and Wellbeing
    4.   Celebrating Diversity
    • The curriculum is progressively planned to deliver a logical sequence of concepts, content and skills across multiple teaching stages; allowing pupils to consolidate learning through regularly revisiting skills (deliberate practise) at increasing levels of difficulty. These skills are framed within the development of new knowledge. New ideas are clearly related to previous learning, with the aim of progressively increasing competency. The consolidation of knowledge and skills allowing children to master key learning that can then be independently applied.
    • Learning in the foundation subjects is sequenced through curriculum maps and retrieval practices are used to support deeper learning.  Progress is measured through the assessment questions.
    • Core principles and a clear progression in reading, writing and mathematics have been developed and are evaluated by leaders across the school.
    • Read Write Inc was implemented in September 2019.
    • Attainment in Year 2 was in line with the national average in 2022 for all areas and over 90% passed the phonics screening in Y2 due to focused phonics teaching.
    • Attainment in Year 6 was above the national average in all areas except writing in 2022 due to focused interventions. Progress measures were in the average group for all areas.
    • Four teachers and five LSAs left the school last year and two returned from maternity leave.
    • A new EYFS lead has been appointed for this year (the school has been without a EYFS lead since Christmas 2021)
    • Three members of the SLT were appointed in September 2021.