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This is where you will find the most up-to-date guidance with regards to how we will operate as a school during these testing times.  Please be aware that we are following the guidance passed on to us from the Local Authority which has come from the Government.  All schools will be following the same guidance to ensure consistency in approach in trying to minimise the impact of the Coronavirus.  

 Catchup Premium Report

Our recovery curriculum, in the first instance, acknowledges that children will have had very different experiences during school closure. However, the common threads running through all are-: the loss of routine, structure, friendship and opportunity. After a long period of isolation, returning to a ‘normal’ school day may well be difficult for some. As a school we have been working to embed Thrive approaches in our classrooms and throughout the school and this will be a key emphasis for pupils on their return to school. Staff will also continue to explore strategies to support children’s mental health and well-being to promote a smooth transition.

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