CEOP Reporting
CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is here to keep children and young people safe from sexual exploitation and abuse.
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Our teachers are Miss A. Johnston and Mrs H. Dawson
Our Teacher partner is Ms Whiteside
We would like to tell you a little more about your child’s Nursery year. We will plan fun, hands-on activities within a safe and stimulating learning environment to promote your child’s learning. Your child will have time to initiate their own learning through play. They will take part in whole class, small group and individual activities. We are all looking forward to teaching your child and working in partnership with you to support your child’s learning.
Throughout the year we will plan activities based upon the children’s interests to optimise their learning across all areas of the curriculum.
Our themes during your child’s time in Nursery will be:
Traditional Tales
People Who Help Us
There is a useful website called Hungry Minds, which offers excellent ideas on further ways to support your child at home. It is broken down into different ages and stages, so it is useful for other young children that you may have at home. If you are interested in looking at this, please use this link: http://hungrylittleminds.campaign.gov.uk/
Here is a useful link with lots of fun activities to support your child with their speech development at home. https://www.bbc.co.uk/tiny-happy-people/3-to-4-year-old-child-development-activities
School uniform
Please ensure that your child is wearing the correct school uniform. Our school colour is bottle green, so we ask that cardigans and jumpers are that colour. Skirts and trousers should be grey. School shoes should be black and please no trainers.
Nursery Admissions
Whitley Abbey Primary offer part-time places to children, ie 15 hours per week, either 8.40am-11.40am or 12.40pm-3.40pm Monday to Friday. We also offer a small number of 30 hour places where parents are entitled to the extended funding due to personal circumstances. Thirty hour places are reviewed annually and are not guaranteed to be
offered every academic year.
Where 30 hour places are offered this would provide nursery sessions from 8.40am to 2.40pm, Monday to Friday. Pupils can then be collected at 2.40pm at the end of their six hour provision or Whitley Abbey Primary offer an extension to the 30 hours whereby a child can remain at nursery until the end of the afternoon session at 3.40pm for which there is a small fee, currently set at £5 per session (£25 per week).
Nursery has 24 places both in the morning and the afternoon.
Whitley Abbey Primary will also provide nursery places that are chargeable where spaces in the provision allows for this. This could be in the form of a child eligible for 15 hours funded attending full days and paying for their second session/additional hours.
Whitley Abbey Primary will endeavour to be flexible in places that can be offered. The ideal is that pupils attend 15 hours per week over five days, however where there is a need, and if places are available, the school will be flexible in accommodating requests. For example, 15 hours over 2 days etc
Whitley Abbey Primary will consider, where spaces are available offering places to children as soon as they reach the age of 3. These places are offered on a chargeable basis until the child’s funding begins the term after their 3rd birthday.
Currently Whitley Abbey Primary School charge £15 per session (AM or PM) where funding is not received for the child and £5 per session for the extended day (where a child does a full day their finish time is 2.40pm, however a child can remain in Nursery until the end of the afternoon session (the extended day).
Useful Resources
If you’d like support, talk to
- Your GP
- Health Visitors
- Your Family Hub
- Maternal Mental Health Support Services
- Adult Mental Health Services Information
- MAMTA – Child & Maternal Health Programme for BME Women in Coventry or call 02476 637693
- DadPad
- NHS Start4Life – Mental Health and Pregnancy
- The Sleep Charity – Advice and Information
- Stress Management Society
- NHS Start4Life – Advice for Partners
- PregnancyHub | Tommy’s (tommys.org)