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September – Return to school

Dear Parents and Carers,

First of all, thank you for all your support and understanding over the last few months. It has been a very unusual and difficult time for us all. I would also like to thank on your behalf all the staff at Whitley Abbey who have supported the children both at home and school with their learning.

As you may be aware, the Government have announced that school will open to all children in September and we are currently working through the guidance to ensure that the school is safe for us all to attend.

In light of this, we have decided to make the following changes to the school week from September 3rd (there are 2 teacher days on September 1st and 2nd). Children should all return to school on September 3rd.

Drop Off and Pick Up

We will have staggered drop off and pick up times to ensure less congestion on the school site. Families will be able to choose their times, but should then stick to the same time.


Drop off 8.30 am

Pick up 3.00pm

2pm on Friday

Drop off 8.40 am

Pick up 3.10 pm

2.10pm Friday

Drop off 8.50 am

Pick up 3.20pm

2.20pm Friday

Drop off 9.00am

Pick up 3.30pm

2.30pm Friday


All entry and exit doors will be manned for the whole drop off and pick up time to enable multiple children families to drop off and pick up. Please contact school from today with your preferred drop off time, these will be on a first come, first served basis.  Please email [email protected]  and ensure you will be able to stick to these times. You will only be contacted in the event of a query.

Entrance and Exit

A one way system will operate on the school site with entrance through the main gate and exit through the Ash Path. Social distancing and year group markers will be in place.


Children will stay in ‘bubbles’ throughout the day with the same members of staff. They will eat their lunches and spend playtimes with their year group bubble so that groups do not mix. For all lessons inside and out they will remain in their class bubble and at break times and lunchtimes they will be in their year group bubble.


Lunchtimes will be shortened to 45 minutes. Bubbles will be allocated an area of the field or playground on a rota basis with different activities in each area of the field.  Two coaches will do sporting activities and lunchtime supervisors will run activities for the children. Senior Leadership Team and Family Support Team will support.  Children will need indoor shoes – a pair of PE pumps are perfect as the field will be used whatever the weather.  Also please only send children to school in laced shoes if they can confidently tie them.


Assemblies for the children will take place via Zoom as children will not be allowed to be in the hall.

PE lessons

PE lessons will take place outdoors only with their class bubble. Outdoor PE kit to be worn on PE days, children should come to school in this and be prepared for the weather.

School Cleaning

School will be cleaned throughout the day, extra sanitizers will be in place and children will be encouraged to wash their hands frequently. Deep cleaning of the school will take place after school on Wednesday and on Friday afternoon.

Friday School Closure

School will close on Friday at 2.30pm. We have decided to do this so that a thorough deep clean of the whole school can take place with nobody in school.

Abbey Oaks

Abbey Oaks before and after school provision will not commence until Monday, September 21st to allow us time to allocate rooms as children cannot mix their bubbles. Please note that Abbey Oaks will start on 2.30pm on a Friday, but there will no change to the session fees.

After School Clubs

There will be no after school clubs until further notice.

I hope you understand the changes we have made, they are all intended for the safety and wellbeing of our whole community in the current situation. I am sure that there will be further changes as Government guidelines continue to change so please bear with us.

More details will be available on the ‘September Return to School’ page on our website and on our Facebook page

 Thank you once again for all your support and please do not hesitate to contact me with any concerns.

Kind regards

 Jules Hall

Head teacher