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SENDCO Special Educational Needs Information

At Whitley Abbey Primary School we strive to support all children to enable them to achieve at both home and school. We have high aspirations for our pupils and we work hard to support children appropriately in order to make social and academic progress. 

In order to do this many steps are taken to support them through their learning journey. High quality teaching is at the heart of everything that we plan; however for some children there are occasions throughout their time in school that further additional support may be needed to help them achieve their targets and make progress.

The Special Educational Needs Co-Ordinator

The special Needs Co-Ordinator ( SENDCo for short) at Whitley Abbey Primary School is Mrs Holly Haines.  She  undertakes her SEND responsibilities each afternoon and  can be contacted on 02476 303392 or via email- [email protected]

Roles and responsibilities of the SENCo

  • Our SENCo is responsible for the operation of the Special Educational Needs Policy and coordination of specific provision made to support individual children with a special educational need (SEN).
  • The SENCo liaises with staff to monitor the pupil’s progress and plan further interventions where progress is slower than expected.
  • The SENCo regularly has contact with a wide range of external agencies that are able to give more specialised advice.
  • ​​If you have any concerns regarding SEN matters do not hesitate to contact the school.

Parent / Carer Questions

Do you have children with SEND at Whitley Abbey Primary school? What kinds of needs do those children have?

Yes, we do have children with SEN at Whitley Abbey Primary. The children at our school have a range of needs including learning needs. This might be where a child is not making academic progress at the rate expected for their age in reading, writing or maths. Some children have needs regarding their friendships, feelings or emotions. Some children have speech and language needs and we also have some children who have autism or who are on the pathway to an Autism diagnosis. Some of our pupils have visual needs or other health needs that require specialist support. If you feel that your child has a particular need that we need to be aware of, please don’t hesitate to contact your child’s class teacher or Mrs Haines, the SENDCo.

How do you know if a pupil has SEN? How will I know if my child is receiving SEND support?

We work closely with parents and carers to identify a child’s specific needs. We will also look at a child’s progress and attainment to assess if your child is making academic progress at the same rate as their classmates and to also review what individual progress they are making in regards to any personal targets they may have.

If as a parent and school, we feel your child has a Special Educational Need, we would have a conversation with you to enable us to understand your thoughts and feelings and what we plan to do to best support your child. Where a child does require additional support we may feel it necessary to add them onto our Special Educational Needs register, in order for us to carefully monitor the support in place and the progress they make.

If this is the case, you will be informed and an acknowledgement letter will be sent to you stating that they will be added to our SEN register, detailing the reasons why.

You will always know if your child is receiving SEN support as your child’s class teacher would meet with you to discuss their needs face-to-face. Mrs Haines, in her role of SENDCo, will also contact you regarding this support. She may speak with you face-to-face or make a phone call to arrange a meeting. She will put this in writing to you for your own and her own records.

Where can I find information about the school SEND policy?

This can be found on the school website or you can ask at the school office.

SEND – Inclusion Policy

How do you make sure that the SEND support is helping pupils make better progress? How will I know if my child is making progress?

The support that your child receives will be reviewed each term with you as parents and carers to ensure that it is appropriate and to assess what impact it has made on your child’s learning.

You will know if your child is making progress as your child’s class teacher will meet with you at different points during the school year. In the current climate, this will be via a phone call.

Downloadable Documents

Local Authority Local Offer

Click here to go directly to SEND Local Offer produced by Coventry Local Authority


Supporting your child to be calm

A toolbox of activities are available on the Childline website, such as breathing exercises, coping videos, yoga videos and games that can help children feel calm in a period of disruption. Click here to open a new window to take you to this website.