4D and 4S
Our teachers are Mrs Ferguson and Mrs Spencer
Our teacher partner is Mrs Bivens
Year 4 have made been working hard already this year and have settled in brilliantly to new routines. This half term, we have been studying the Ancient Greeks in history where the children have taken a particular interest in Gods and Goddesses. Some children even did some research over the summer holidays to prepare them for this new learning. During our science lessons, the children have been building on their knowledge of states of matter and have learned a lot about evaporation – conducting an experiment using wet tea towels. They also looked at rates of melting using chocolate – planning and evaluating their own investigation. In art, the classes have made clay figurative models and posed them in different ways and are going to be studying the work of Henry Moore and Barbara Hepworth. Through our French lessons, the children have learned the days of week through song and have made their own weather forecast using their new knowledge. In music, the children have learned how to listen to each other and have a gained a greater understanding of musical notation while playing a duet.
Next half term, the children will be looking Mountains in Geography and will be building Pavilions for a project in Design and Technology. Also they will discover more about electricity in Science.
Thank you to all parents and carers for supporting the children with homework, spelling and reading. With the Year 4 times table check coming up in the summer term, please be accessing Times Table Rock stars at home and practising. The children have been provided with their log-ins so if there are any difficulties with this, please let the class teacher know. Reading also continues to be a vitally important life skill, so please ensure the children continue to read at least 4 times per week at home with an adult and bring their reading books to school every day.