Dear Parents/Carers
We have been contacted again today by the Local Residents of Ashington Grove and Rutherglen Avenue in relation to the parking of vehicles outside of school when dropping and collecting children from our school.  Can we please ask that you have consideration for our resident neighbours and do not park over disabled spaces or dropped kerbs so that residents can get on/off their driveways and park.  Also please do not park on the yellow zig zag lines outside of the school driveway, these are there for a reason.  Parking on the yellow zigzag lines will block the view of the school entrance.  This could endanger the lives of the pedestrians wanting to cross the road on their way to and from school.
 Also it has been reported by the residents that drivers are moving refuse bins that have been left out for refuse collections so that they can park their cars on pathways.  This has caused, in some cases, missed bin collections for the residents as the bins are not on the pathway as they should be when the refuse lorries come to collect. For safety reasons we would ask you not to park on pathways as doing so will make if difficult for those with pushchairs and mobility aids.
Please help us work with our resident neighbours
Thank you for your co-operation with this
Kind Regards
Marie Tidmarsh