Early Help

Early Help Offer
At Whitley Abbey Primary School, we understand just how complicated family life can be and that there may be situations where you need extra help and support. If you need to share information or have a difficult situation you need to make us aware of we will always find the time to listen. Please come and talk to us.
What is Early Help?
Early help means providing help for children, young people and families as soon as problems start to emerge or where it is likely that issues will impact on the children’s outcomes.
Early help …..
- Is for children of all ages and not just the very young
- Can be very effective in supporting a child, young person and /or their family at the beginning of early help intervention or to step down from statutory services as well as preventing escalation of issues.
- Is important because there is clear evidence that it results in better outcomes for the children
At Whitley Abbey we offer:
- Taking the time to listen to children’s concerns. Class teachers and teaching assistants are usually the first people to notice if a child is worried or who a child wishes to confide in. They will provide pastoral support and seek extra help if needed. Each class has a ‘Worry Bag’ so children can self-refer confidentially. We also have a virtual worry box available on our website.
- We have Mrs Reeve who provides pastoral support around the school. She works with children, individually or in groups.
- Our Safeguarding Lead Mrs Reeve coordinates safeguarding in school and provides training for staff. Mrs Reeve completes Early Help support for our families She also liaises with the Local Authority Early Help Co-ordinator when external agency involvement is needed.
- Mrs Reeve can meet with parents and school staff to draw up a plan of support
- Please see our Early Help Offer chart to see what we can offer your family
How will we know when Early Help is needed?
Parents, carers, children and staff may tell us that support is required, or practitioners may identify that there are emerging needs and services might be required, as there are worries or concerns about a child.
We will assess the needs of the family and this may identify that an Early Help Assessment and the subsequent action that needs to be taken. There are also agencies which you can contact independently should you wish to do so, who might be able to help and provide the support for your family.
Family Hubs
Below are more details and information about Early Help:
Early Help – Coventry City Council
Family hubs – Coventry City Council
Early help support 0800 8870545
Coventry have 8 Family Hubs and our local Family Hubs are;
They both have Facebooks Groups to follow where they share information and activities.

Aspire Family Hub

Wood Side Family Hub
Wood Side Family Hub – Coventry City Council
Upper Ride, Willenhall Wood, Coventry, CV3 3GL
024 7697 8090
Whitley Abbey Primary School Early Help Offer
- Promotion of 97% good attendance
- Attendance data monitored and actioned
- Phased attendance procedures
- First day calling
- Home visits
- Meet and greet with Senior Leadership Team/ Pastoral Team
- Personal attendance plans
- School nurse (where there’s a medical condition)
- Abbey Oaks wrap around care breakfast and after school club
- Stories of moving from School to School
- Extra visits/induction for vulnerable students
- Health visitors / school nurse
- Induction Day
- Open evenings
- Pupil passport
- Support online application for parents
- Visits for prospective families
- Reading ,phonics and maths meetings
- SATS meeting
The Local Community
- HAF Coventry holiday Activities food Programme
- Family Hubs
- Donations from community for PTA (Parent Teacher Association)
- School Governors
- Community Links such as Fire, PCSO and businesses
- Religious groups
- Supporting charities
- Working together with local secondary schools
The Curriculum
- 1:1 / group work
- Assemblies
- Booster classes
- Citizenship delivery
- Inter-school events
- School trips / visits
- Online Safety
- WOW Topic days
Staying Safe
- ‘Bikeability’
- Relevant policies and procedures eg Data Protection
- Advice point and Early help response
- Anti-bullying
- Assemblies
- Care plans
- Online Safety
- Home visits
- Family Hub links
- Police Community Support Officer
- Parent workshops
- Looked after Children(LAC) meetings and Peps
- PHSE Cirriculum
- Prevent e.g. FGM (Female Genital Mutilation) / Forced marriages
- School Nurse
- Tracking of incidents e.g. CPOMS
- Whole school safeguarding training
- National Online Safety training resources for staff and parents
- Young Carers
- Worry boxes virtual /classroom
- Protective Behaviours