CEOP Reporting
CEOP is a law enforcement agency and is here to keep children and young people safe from sexual exploitation and abuse.
Click to report.

The current cost of a school dinner is £2.80 a day (£14 per week). Any queries regarding school dinners should be directed to our school office.
Our school offers a three-choice menu. Our menus rotate on a three weekly basis.

Free School Meals
Is my child eligible for free school meals?
You can apply for free school meals using our online application process.
- Please ensure you have completed all of the relevant information on your application form, ensuring that you have included the claimants correct National Insurance Number /or NASS reference number and date of birth.
- You are no longer required to provide proof of your benefit entitlement. Your eligibility for Free School Meals is processed via a database held by the Department of Works and Pensions.
If you require further clarification of any of the above information, please contact the Free School Meals team:
Free School Meals
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 024 7683 3773
Customer Service CentreBroadgate House