1A and 1H
Our teachers are Mrs Atherton and Mrs Hunter
Our teacher partner is Miss Allen
Curriculum This Year
In Literacy we will be studying a variety of story books and non-fiction text learning to use all of the Year 1 Writing Ingredients in all of our writing no matter what the style. We will also continue our daily phonic lessons using a new scheme called Read Write Inc.
In our Maths learning, we will be learning all about number and place value, shape, time and begin to look into fractions.
Our Science learning this year includes Everyday Materials, Animals including humans, Plants and Seasonal Change.
History this year will include topics such as Memory Box, The Great Fire of London and Florence Nightingale with our geography topics being All Around Our School, London and Our Wonderful World.
In Art we will be exploring lots of different techniques including drawing and sculpting
In Design and Technology, we will be learning how to make puppets, moving storybooks, windmills and smoothies.
We can’t wait to get busy learning with you this year! “