Little Leaves
Should you require any paper copies of documents that are on our school website then these can be requested from our school office – please contact [email protected]
We are always keen to hear your views on our school. A Parents Comments and Suggestions Box is situated outside the main office. It is regularly reviewed by the Leadership Team and Governing Body.
Term Time Holiday
The Headteacher is not permitted to authorise holidays in term time unless it is in very exceptional circumstances. Each request is dealt with individually.The school strives to have excellent attendance levels and unnecessary absence during term time can have a very damaging impact on a child’s achievement. For this reason, parents who take their child on a term time holiday despite authorisation having been refused may, under some circumstances, incur a fixed penalty fine issued by the local authority.
If a child arrives at school feeling unwell, or becomes unwell during the course of the day, the parents will be contacted and the child should go home. As a general rule, children with gastrointestinal illness (i.e. diarrhoea and vomiting) should remain off school for 48 hours after symptoms have stopped. For most other illnesses, children may return to school once they are well enough to do so.
There are some exceptions to the 48 hour rule, so if you are unsure if your child can return, please contact the school for advice.
If your child has to take prescribed medicines for a short term, treatments should be managed so that it is not necessary for medicines to come into school. Most medications can be managed by doses timed to be outside the school day. However, if this is not possible, please discuss this with the Head Teacher, and complete a Parental Agreement form.
Medicines should be clearly labelled with the child’s name and should be accompanied by written instructions. All medicines are kept securely stored, with the exception of self-administered inhalers and insulin. Parents are discouraged from sending children to school with non-prescribed medication.
Medical and Dental Appointments
Regular attendance in school ensures children maximise their potential and frequent appointments in school time cause disruption to their learning. We would appreciate it if parents could make every effort to make appointments outside school hours. If this is not possible, please ask for an Authorised Absence Form from the school office prior to the appointment. You may, in certain circumstances, be asked to provide evidence of this appointment in order for it to be authorised.
Parent and Carer Comments
We are really pleased with the progress our daughter made in Year 3 and we are pleased with her report.
Very happy with the progress my son has made this year, especially in Numeracy.
Very proud of my little boy he has come on loads since starting school in every aspect.
We are very proud of what our son has achieved this year. He has worked so hard and is keen to do so. His achievements are also a massive credit to his teacher and his teaching assistants teaching and support. His teacher has managed to get the best out of both of boys.
We are really pleased with our daughters progress. We know that she always works hard and we are very proud of her.
Our daughter has absolutely loved her Reception Year. As her parents we feel very proud of the way she has progressed from being a shy and quiet child to being fairly confident. Her teachers have been brilliant. Thank you.
We are happy with our daughters progress this year. She has come on so much since starting Year 2. We are very proud of our daughter.