School News
All our latest school news and newsletters can be found in these pages.

SENDIASS Coffee Morning
Get in contact with us if you would like to join our next coffee morning.
Dropping off and picking up
A vital part of keeping children safe is ensuring the school knows who is responsible for dropping off and picking up a child and that parents keep school updated with these arrangements.
Football Camps
Keep the children busy this half term at a Football Cam run by BTC Sports.
Hearing Screening Clinics
Upcoming Hearing Screening Clinics for Reception Age children.
Lunchtime Supervisor
Do you enjoy working with Children and have a flare for enhancing our lunchtime activities?
Coventry Chat Health
Message the Coventry School Nurses for extra support.
Christmas Story Time
Dear parents and carers
We would like to invite you and your child to our Christmas Story Time event at Meadow Park School.
It’ Baby Week
It’s that time of year again! Baby week! We have a fun packed week with lots of goodies for parents.
SENDIASS Parent Session
SENDIASS Parent Session – ‘Behaviours that distress and challenge’
Coventry School Nursring Newsletter
A big welcome to the autumn 2024 term! We hope you had a lovely summer and have settled into the back-to-school.
We are approaching the end of term
Water Bottles
At this time of the year the children are asked to take their water bottles outside.
Whitsun Half Term
Onside Coaching Active kids course
Active Kids Course
Active Kids Course during May half term.
SENDIASS Coffee Morning
This is a ‘face to face’ session for Parents/Carers of Children or Young People with Special Educational Needs or Disabilities (SEND).
Onside Coaching
Easter holidays with Onside Coaching
Coffee and a chat
Does your child or young person have a special need?
Ramadan Fasting Policy
Ramadan is the ninth month in the Islamic calendar, and it consists of a 29–30-day period of fasting, self-control, charity giving and goodwill to others.
National College/National Online Safety
We’re delighted to let you know that Whitley Abbey is a member of The National College – a multi-award-winning online training provider for staff and parents.
Parking Vehicles
Parking issues in Rutherglen Avenue and Ashington Grove.
Payments for School Meals and our Abbey Oaks
Can we please ask you to make relevant payments for School Meals and our Abbey Oaks provision as soon as possible.
Winter Mini Challenge
It’s back! Spark a love of reading for children with the free online Winter Mini Challenge.
Changes to the Household Support Fund (HSF)
For those of you eligible for Free School Meals (not Universal Infant Free School Meals YR-Y2)
Solihull Catering
Our Catering provider, Solihull Catering have created a new website.
Talk Therapy
Talk Therapy’s parent information video.
Children In Need
Children in Need is on Friday 17th November
Parent’s Evening
Parents Evenings for Nursery, Reception, Years 1, 2 and 3
Coventry Rocks!
Coventry Rocks – It is full to the brim with family friendly events, Halloween activities and clubs that are on over the half term holidays.
Well done 2A 100% attendance!
Coffee Morning
We are holding our first coffee morning on Tuesday next week, (19th) from 9am - 10.30am in the Blue Hall.
Teacher Days 2023-24
We have now finalised the teacher training days for next academic year.